Tipping Etiquette: How Much to Tip in Europe, Africa, Asia & More – Roamight
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Tipping Etiquette: How Much to Tip in Europe, Africa, Asia & More

by Isabella Garcia 14 Jun 2024 0 Comments
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Tipping across the world can be complex due to different cultural expectations. In the U.S., it's common to tip up to 20% for good service. However, this isn’t the case everywhere. In Europe, tips are more modest and not always expected. In Africa, tipping between 10% and 15% at restaurants is usual. Asia has varied practices, and in places like China and Japan, tipping might be seen as rude. For a comprehensive overview, check out our Tipping Guidelines: Europe, Africa, Asia & Beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding local tipping customs is crucial for respectful and appropriate gratuity practices.
  • In Europe, a 10%-15% service charge may already be included in restaurant bills1.
  • A 10%-15% gratuity is standard in most African restaurants2.
  • Tipping in Asia can sometimes be offensive, particularly in China and Japan2.
  • Consider consulting local resources or asking residents to better navigate local tipping customs.

Tipping Culture in North America: USA & Canada

In North America, tipping is deeply rooted, especially in the U.S.A. and Canada. People often tip between 15-20% at restaurants34. This shows respect for the hard work of those in the service industry. Tipping is not just for meals. It's also common in other places like taxis. You might round up your fare or tip more for great service. By tipping, you thank those who make your day smoother, from making coffee to cleaning your room.

Tipping in Restaurants

When thinking about tipping at a restaurant, keep 15-20% in mind, in both the U.S. and Canada3. This simple rule helps service workers who count on tips for their pay. It's a way to say thank you for their effort.

Tipping for Other Services

Tip in more places than just restaurants. Aim for 15%-20% for taxi rides3. For others who help, like the bellhop, even a small extra on the bill or a couple of dollars shows you noticed their great work.

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How Much to Tip in Europe

It's key for travelers to get European tips right when eating out. Tipping in Europe varies by culture and region. Most places see tipping as showing you appreciate the service.

Tipping in Western Europe

In the west, rounding up your bill or leaving small change is common2. It fits with how Europeans tip, showing thanks with a small amount. Also, restaurants in some places add a 10%-15% service fee for ease5.

Tipping in Eastern Europe

In the east, tipping is similar but not as fixed as in the west. People might just round up or leave some change. Good service is always a welcome nod. Remember, service charges are not as often seen here. Knowing what's usual in each country helps show the right respect5.

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How Much to Tip in Africa

In Africa, tipping varies by region. Usually, you tip 10% to 15% in most restaurants2. It shows you appreciate the service staff's hard work.

Tipping in North Africa

In places like Morocco, it's common to leave spare change at restaurants. Porters often get about 50 cents per bag6. The usual restaurant tip is also 10% to 15%6.

Tipping in Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa has a similar tipping culture, with 10% to 15% on bills. In Kenya, tip 5% if there's no service charge. On safaris, it's good to tip $10 to $20 daily for guides5.

This extends to hotel staff to help support them and ensure good service5.

Region Service Gratuity
North Africa Restaurants 10%-15%
North Africa Porters 50 cents per bag
Sub-Saharan Africa Restaurants 10%-15%
Sub-Saharan Africa Safaris $10-$20 per day


Africa's tipping customs, from restaurants to safaris, aim to honor top service. Knowing these customs can make your trip better. It helps build a positive relationship with service providers.

How Much Should I Tip in: Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Australia

When traveling, tipping can be tricky. It varies from country to country. Knowing the local customs ensures your tips are appreciated.

Understanding Cultural Sensitivities

In Europe, tipping norms differ by nation. Service charges of 10%-15% are common in some places. Yet in others, visitors decide. In Africa, adding 10%-15% to your bill is expected25. Asia adds another layer; tipping is often not anticipated, and in places like China and Japan, it might be seen as impolite. But, summing up to 10% in areas like Thailand is okay25.

General Guidelines Across Continents

In Central and South America, leaving 10%-15% at restaurants is common25. Tour guides in places like Brazil may expect a little more. In Australia and New Zealand, though, tipping isn’t a must. But, showing your appreciation with 5%-10% can be nice, especially in fancier spots25. When in popular tourist spots, you might find higher tips expected. Always use cash for tips whenever you can. If unsure, local advice is best2.

Region Recommended Tipping Notes
Europe 10%-15% Varies by country; some include service charge5
Africa 10%-15% Applied to restaurant bills2
Asia 10% (in some areas) Can be offensive in countries like China and Japan25
Latin America 10%-15% Higher tips expected for tour guides25
Oceania 5%-10% Not generally expected, appreciated for good service25


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Tipping in Asia: Differing Customs

In Asia, tipping customs vary widely, showcasing the many cultural values of the region. For instance, Japan finds tipping embarrassing, putting a premium on politeness and humility instead. Offering compliments or a simple bow is much more appreciated here4.

In China, tipping was once seen as impolite and not needed. Although this view is changing in major cities due to an influx of tourists, it's still not widely expected. The same goes for places like Myanmar, Singapore, and Taiwan. Tipping is often viewed as unnecessary or even offensive73.

But not every country in Asia feels the same. In spots like Thailand and Vietnam where tourism is booming, tipping around 10% is now quite welcome. This shows that tipping in Asia is more than just giving money. It's about expressing respect and following the right customs for each place.

For travelers wanting to get tipping right, a quick guide is here:

Country Tipping Norms
Japan Generally considered offensive; appreciation shown through compliments or bowing4
China Historically rude, but becoming acceptable in bigger cities4
Myanmar Not customary3
Singapore Not customary3
Taiwan Not customary7
Thailand 10% in tourist areas
Vietnam 10% in tourist areas


Knowing how to tip in Asia is key for polite and culturally aware travels. When unsure, it's okay not to tip. This can help you avoid any cultural faux pas and make for a respectful trip. Armed with these details, you'll handle tip custom nuances all around Asia with ease.

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Tipping Etiquette in Latin America

When you travel through Latin America, tipping is expected. It's a big part of the service industry. This is especially true in Central and South America's lively economies. In restaurants, a 10% to 15% tip is common21.

Tipping in Central America

In Central America, the tipping culture is similar. Restaurant tips should be around 10% to 15%21. For tour guides, in places like Nicaragua or Costa Rica, it's nice to tip $5 to $10 a day2. It's good to round up taxi fares, even though it's not a must. It shows you appreciate the service.

Tipping in South America

South America follows a similar tipping tradition. Around 10% to 15% is usual for restaurant tips21. In Colombia, tour guides appreciate $10 to $20 a day. Other South American countries, such as Brazil, like $5 to $10 a day21. Tipping for taxis isn’t expected, but rounding up is a nice gesture for good service.

Gratuity Practices in Oceania: Australia & New Zealand

Tipping in Australia and New Zealand is different from many places. Here, it's more about showing gratitude for exceptional service. It's not an obligation. Knowing when and how to tip helps show respect for local customs.

Restaurant Tipping Guidelines

In restaurants, tipping is seen as a nice way to show appreciation. You might add a 5%-10% tip or just round up the bill. This is different from places like the USA and Canada, where 15-20% tips on the bill are expected89. In the UK & Ireland, a 10%-15% tip is common8.

Tipping in Other Service Industries

Outside of restaurants, tipping isn't common in Australia and New Zealand. You might tip for special services, like drinks at a bar or hotel help. It's not expected, but it's a nice surprise for those who earn it. The same pattern is noticed in various places. For example, in Australia and New Zealand, tipping and addition charges are now seen more often, though not needed9. In India, adding a 10% tip at restaurants is a polite gesture, while rounding the bill at market stalls is a norm7.

The view on tipping in Australia and New Zealand mirrors a worldwide trend. Exceptional service is often rewarded. But customs vary by country. In Singapore, tips range from 5-10%, except at the airport where tipping is not allowed8. Conversely, in Japan and South Korea, tipping can be insulting and is avoided8.

Tips for Traveling and Tipping Wisely

When you're in a new place, it's smart to tip the way locals do. This means more than just how much to tip. You need to know what the people there expect.

Following this kind of advice lets you make friends and show that you respect their ways.

Using Local Currency

It's key to use the country's money when tipping. This isn't just a show of manners. It also fits with the area's economy. In Europe, tips might already be added to your meal's bill10. In Africa, around 10%-15% is what waiters expect10. Have some small bills in local cash for easy tipping. Locals welcome this and it helps you avoid misunderstandings.

Consulting Local Resources

Find out how tipping works locally. In Japan, tipping can be seen as rude6. But in places like Egypt and Germany, an extra 5%-10% is appreciated along with service fees6.

Talking to a local or checking guides helps a lot. This info makes sure you tip right. In countries like Australia and New Zealand, tipping isn't a big deal. But a small tip or rounding up the bill is a nice gesture610.

By doing the right thing, you add to your trip's enjoyment. Using local money for tips and learning the local tipping customs matter. It shows you want to be a good guest.


Navigating international tipping is like an art form for smart travelers. It varies a lot by continent. From North America, where big tips are common, to Asia, where customs around tipping are more complex. Knowing when and how much to tip makes your travel better. In Europe, countries like France and Germany often add a service fee to the bill. But in places such as Italy, just rounding up the bill is fine7.

In Africa, tipping is about 10%-15%. This includes places like safari tours and shows thanks and helps the local economy7. In Latin America, it's different. You give tips at restaurants. And for guides, you might offer a bigger tip. Understanding these differences shows respect for the workers. These tips can really matter to them7.

For travelers, it's important to approach tipping with care. Using local money and checking with local sources can help you blend in better. This shows you respect and want to do right by the places you visit. Tipping shows we care. It's not just about following rules, but about fitting into the world's beauty in the right way7.


How much should I tip in the USA and Canada?

In the USA and Canada, you should tip around 15-20% in restaurants. For services like taxis, about 10-15% is good.

What are the tipping customs in Western Europe?

In Western Europe, tipping is smaller than in the USA. It's normal to just leave the change or round up a bit. Sometimes, a service charge is on the bill.

How much should I tip in Eastern Europe?

Eastern Europeans also usually tip a little if the service is good. Rounding up or a small amount is fine. Sometimes, the bill already includes a service charge.

What is the tipping culture in North Africa?

In North Africa, tipping 10%-15% in restaurants is a friendly gesture. This is part of the usual way people say thanks for good service.

How much should I tip in Sub-Saharan Africa?

In Sub-Saharan Africa, tipping about 10%-15% is normal in restaurants. When you're staying at lodges or going on a safari, tips of $10-$20 per day are suggested.

What should I know about tipping in Asia?

Asia has a big mix of tipping customs. In Japan and China, it can be seen as rude. But in places like Thailand and Vietnam, a 10% tip is nice.

How much should I tip in Central and South America?

In Latin America, tipping is very important in the service industry. Around 10%-15% in restaurants is expected. Tour guides and rounding up taxi fares is also appreciated.

What is the tipping etiquette in Australia and New Zealand?

In Australia and New Zealand, tipping isn't expected but is welcome for great service. A tip of 5-10% in restaurants or just rounding up is a nice gesture.

How should I handle tips while traveling to different continents?

In any country, using the local currency for tips is a good idea. It shows you respect the economy. Always ask the locals or check guides for the right tipping information.

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